At fascism, that is. This writer says we're in the parking lot & looking for a space:
This is part 1 of a three-parter which I'm still reading, but I want to save the links someplace where I can find them again. Need to read things like this >once, since mental illness interferes with my concentration & memory. It helps if I re-read while in different mental states. (There are plenty to choose from.)
Anyway, here are the other two parts:
ps: Maybe one of these days I'll figure out how to html-ify the links so they're clickonable. I don't know how to work this site very well. Some folks have told me it's hard to add comments -- i tried it a little bit and i think you have to log into some login ID to do it.... which of course then means you have to HAVE such an ID first. That's all I know so far.