Sunday, August 23, 2009

Health care reform

Here is what I think is happening: Obama is playing a very shrewd, deep game. He said "I want this passed before the August recess" but he KNEW it wouldn't happen that way. And he knew that the Repubs would use the recess to throw everything they had at it, which they are... AND he knew that his poll numbers would drop, which they have. What he gets from all this is that the Repubs have shown their hand. It is now obvious that they have no intention of negotiating in good faith ANYTHING about health care reform. They will not vote for any bill no matter what's in it.

So what happens next is, when the Congress comes back from recess, he can tell the Dems, "Okay, now we know that bipartisanship is out. So, throw out all those other mishmash bills, and write me one that has what we want in it. Single payer? Back on the table. Do it. We don't need the Repubs to get it passed."

That's my prediction, anyway. Hope Hope Hope!!

With fingers crossed (makes it hard to type!)...

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're right. I'm really worried about it because damn, I might lose my insurance soon. I have friends whose insurance ran out and they can't be insured any more because they have preexisting conditions. If they just get rid of that, imagine the improvment!
